User Properties

When you create a group, default configurations apply for access rights for different sections of the application— such as Contacts, Documents, and others. When a new user joins the group, the default access rights are used for the user. You can change the user configuration for accessing different sections of the applications from this page.

This feature also allows you to change the access permissions for the use of different sections within the Hyperoffice group programs like Shared Contacts, Chat, Voting, and more. You can allow specific users to access different sections by configuring the accounts accordingly.

Usage Guidelines

To configure user accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Groups tab on the left navigation bar of the HyperOffice window.

  2. Click the Group Memberships icon. The Active Memberships page appears.

  3. Click the administration link of the group you want to use.

  4. The Group Administration page appears.

  5. Click on the configure user accounts link in the Group Administration page.

  6. The Group Users page appears.

Note:  By default the Owner/Administrator of the group has all the administrator rights and the rights cannot be changed. The user accounts of all the other users can only be configured

  1. In the Group Users page, click on the user whose configuration you want to change.

  2. The User Properties page appears.

  3. To provide administrative access to the user, click on the Administrator checkbox. By default it is not selected. If the checkbox is selected, the user will have administrative privileges similar to the owner of the group.

Note:  If you want to provide complete control of the group and all sections to the user, click on the Administrator checkbox.

  1. You can also change access rights to individual sections of the applications, such as:

  1. Complete the following fields for your group, then click the Modify Subscription button.

Default User Permissions

The default user permissions option defines the options you can give to the members of the group. There are five different options that can be selected from the list to assign user permissions, they are:

  • Banned from a particular Section: When you select this option for any of the sections, you restrict members of this group from accessing this particular section. For example, for the tasks section if the user selects this option, no member in the group will be allowed to view or use the Shared Tasks section of the application.

  • Only View a particular Section: Selecting this option for a section will allow you to give viewing permission to the members of the group. The members will only be able to view the information within this section.

  • View and add a particular section: Selecting this option will give the members of the group access to adding information as well as viewing information. For example, if you select this option for Calendar Section, you will give members rights to both add calendar events and also view the events.

  • View, add, edit and delete information from a particular section which he creates: When you select this option, you give a user complete control of all the information specific to the member within this section. For example, if you select this option for contacts section, the members in the group can create contacts and modify or delete the contacts which they create.

  • View, add, edit and delete information from a particular section, which any user creates: When you select this option, you give a user complete control of all the information within this section. For example, if you select this option for contacts section, the members in the group can create contacts and modify or delete the contacts any user creates.

Default Permission for Shared Documents

In this section, you can define the directory for storing the shared documents for this group. Pick the directory where the shared document will be stored from the list.

The different permissions which you can give members of the group for the Shared Documents section of the application are:

Read: This option will enable members of the group to view the files in the common folder for the group.

Write: This option will allow members of the group to create new documents in the shared folder for the group.

Delete: This option will allow members of the group to delete files from the common directory

Create Directories: This option will enable the members of the group to create additional sub directories within the Shared Documents root directory for the group.

  1. To enable any of the above options, click on the checkbox next to the option.

If a checkbox is selected, it indicates that the option will be enabled. By default all the options are enabled for a new group.

The current permissions field displays the current permissions for the shared documents folder of this group for the particular user. If the user access hasn't been configured before the default permissions will be displayed.


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