You can modify an event that you created as a recurring event through this section. You can modify/change any information that you entered while creating the event.
To modify a recurring event, follow these steps:
From the My Calendar page, select the recurring event you want to modify by clicking on it. The Modify Event page appears with all the information about the event.
At the bottom of the page, click the Edit Recurrence Properties button. The Schedule a Repeating Event page appears.
Update any of the following fields in the table below. When you have completed your updates, click the Schedule Recurrence button.
Repeat this event every __ days |
Use this field to specify the number of days you want the event to repeat itself. |
Repeat on the first Sunday of the month for every month |
Use this field to specify the week, the day, and the frequency of the event in months. You can set the event to repeat itself on the first, second, third, fourth or fifth week in a month; any day in a week, and you can choose to have the event repeat itself every month, every alternate month, once in three months or once in six months. |
Repeat on the 15th of every month |
Use this field to specify the date when the event should occur. You can specify the time intervals in months when the event should repeat itself. You can choose to have the event occur on any date (between 1st and 31st provided the number of date exists in that month) in the month and have the event repeat itself every month, every alternate month, once in three months, or once in six months. |
Repeat every year March 15th |
Use this field to set the event to reoccur every year or every other year. You can choose any month of the year and any date in a month when the event should occur. |
End Date |
Select one of these options: No End Date: Selecting this option to ensure that the event will continue to repeat itself at the time intervals specified in the Schedule a Repeating Event section. End Date: Select this option to specify the end date including the day, month and year on which the event should stop repeating itself. The event stops reoccurring on the date. |
Schedule a Reminder |
No Reminder: Select this option if you do not want any reminders sent to you before the event occurs. Schedule a reminder 1 day(s) before the event at 2:00 P.M.: Select this option to specify when you want to be reminded about the event. You can choose to reminded between 1 and 31 days prior to the event anytime between 1:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on the day you choose to be reminded. |
Reminder Details |
You can enter the name of the reminder in the Reminder text box. You can also add notes about the event in the notes field. When you want to be reminder to specific event, use one of these options: