The following instructions detail steps for configuring your DNS settings to properly
use the HyperOffice service with branded login urls and branded email domains (e.g. @yourcompany.com).
Please be aware that changing your DNS settings should not be be done until your
HyperOffice account is properly configured and your users have been set up. Performing
the change prior to this may result in the loss of emails and/or a delay in email
Important Note:
When migrating a domain that is already being used to receive email, care
should be taken to ensure that the HyperOffice usernames match the portion of the users
email address prior to the '@' symbol. Therefore if a user is currently recieving email as:
[email protected]
and the 'company.com' domain is being transferred to HyperOffice, her
username should be:
to ensure that she does not lose any email. Once changes have been performed, it may take 24-48 hours (depending on the
registrar) for the change to propogate through the internet.
Important Note:
When the HyperOffice purchase is made and the choice is made to use a custom domain
(options 2 or 3), HyperOffice immediately deactivates the existing login url
and email domain that was assigned to the portal before. Therefore if a portal was
originally accessed by going to http://mycompany.hyperoffice.com and the users received
email as [email protected], these will cease to work and the users
will not be able to recieve email or access the portal until the DNS is properly pointed
to the portal at which point the URL and email domain will have been changed to the branded
domain. If it is essential that the portal be accessible during the transition time,
the portal may still be accessed by using a temporary URL that can be obtained by
contacting support.
Please be aware that while we have provided this information to make your DNS changes
easier, HyperOffice is not responsible for the content listed in these steps, as we
are not the authoritative source of this information. Any further questions about this
process should be directed toward the respective domain registrar.
Please Select your DNS provider
Go Daddy
The login box is located on the upper left hand corner of the screen.
A screen that says "Manage Domains" should appear. Click the checkbox for your domain.
Then click on "Total DNS Control And MX Records" and then "Launch Total DNS Control Manager". A new window will open up and show you all your DNS information. We are concerned with CNAME and MX information only.
- This is the top red arrow.
The alias name will be "office" and it will point to "customurl.hyperoffice.com". Click Continue after setting this up, then click Add.
- This is the bottom red arrow.
The priority value will be "10". The host name will be "@" and it will go to the address "custommail.hyperoffice.com". Click Continue after setting this up, then click Add.
Having more than one MX record pointing to different servers will confuse some mail servers. Please delete all other MX records that are set up on the account.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
The login box is located on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
When finished, click on the "Go" button.
There may be some default information above the Configure button.
The hostname will be "office", record "CNAME" and it will point to "customurl.hyperoffice.com". Scroll to the bottom and click Save changes.
- If you already have email set up with Enom, you can skip this step.
This allows you to set up an MX record.
Scroll down to the Email section. Add an MX record (the @ symbol) pointing to "custommail.hyperoffice.com". Delete all other MX records that may be present. Scroll to the bottom and click Save changes.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
1 and 1
The login box is located on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
The manage domains area allows you to change MX and CNAME records.
- If you have more than one site, make sure the correct one is checked.
point this CNAME to customurl.hyperoffice.com and save your settings.
Here is where the MX record gets set up.
- Select "Other Mail Server" point it to custommail.hyperoffice.com priority 10 and delete
ALL other MX records that may be present. Save your settings.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
The login link is located on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Enter your username and password.
This is where we will add the CNAME and MX records.
Enter the alias "office" pointing to "customurl.hyperoffice.com" and click "add CNAME".
Enter the @ symbol, priority 20 (it can be any number), point it to "custommail.hyperoffice.com". Click "add MX" and be sure to delete ALL other MX records that may be present. Save changes and you are done.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
Network Solutions
The login link is located on the upper left corner of the screen.
Thin hit the Apply Changes button.
- This will take you to the DNS control area for MX records.
Enter Priority: 10, Mail Server: custommail.hyperoffice.com, delete all other MX records, then save your settings.
- This will take you to the DNS control area for CNAME alias records.
Alias: office, select "other host": customurl.hyperoffice.com
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
- Log in to your Register.com account
- Log in to your Account Manager
- Select the domain name you wish to make the changes to from the main menu and click on the link "Edit Domain Alias (CNAME)" from the ADVANCED TECHNICAL SETTINGS menu.
- The Edit screen will open. Click ADD.
- Add a CNAME alias called "Office" that points to "customurl.hyperoffice.com".
- Click Continue to apply the changes, click continue again to confirm the changes
- Go back to your account manager screen and select the domain again.
- Click on the link "Edit MX Record" from the ADVANCED TECHNICAL SETTINGS men. Once inside you will be given the option to direct the Email for your domain name towards the desired mail server.
- Direct the Email to "custommail.hyperoffice.com". Save the settings.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
Click the Login link at the top of the screen.
- You can also enter your domain name in the "quickly manage this domain" bar.
This will bring up your domain information.
- You will be adding a CNAME alias first.
Enter Hostname: office, Record Type: CNAME alias, Address: customurl.hyperoffice.com, then save your settings.
- If you already have MX records set up, you may skip this step.
- This will allow you to set up an MX record pointing to us.
Enter Hostname: @, Address: custommail.hyperoffice.com, Pref: 10 and DELETE all other MX records. Save your changes.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
Visit your Business Control Panel page. Sign in to your yahoo account.
- Once signed in, you will see modules for each of your domain names on the "Manage My Services" page. Select the "Domain Control Panel" link that corresponds to the domain whose record you wish to edit.
- Click the "Manage Advanced DNS Settings" link.
Now we will configure a new alias.
Enter Source: office, Destination: customurl.hyperoffice.com then click Submit.
Now we will configure a new MX record.
Delete the YAHOO MX records and add an MX record pointing to custommail.hyperoffice.com, then click Submit.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
The login link is in the upper left corner.
You will be adding a CNAME and MX record from the next screen.
Click on "Records".
Name: office, Data: customurl.hyperoffice.com then save your settings.
Click on Records again.
Data (mail server): custommail.hyperoffice.com MX level: 20, then save your settings.
Click "remove" by any other MX records present. Leave the MX record you just made.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
General DNS Configuration Instructions
- Log in to your account.
- Look for a section that says DNS Controls. You may have to select the domain you will be modifying before you can see the DNS controls section.
- Look for a section that says Add CNAME, Add CNAME Alias, or Add Subdomain. You want to add a CNAME called "office" and point it to "customurl.hyperoffice.com". Save your settings.
- Look for a section that says Add MX record, Configure MX records, or Email Settings. You want to add an MX record for the "@" domain that points to "custommail.hyperoffice.com". Save your settings.
- While in the MX records section, DELETE ALL OTHER MX RECORDS. This will make sure that all mail goes to your HyperOffice account.
- Log out and you are done. Please note that it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to take place. After this time period, if you cannot log in or receive Email, follow these instructions to check your settings.
Checking your DNS settings (with a Windows OS)
Here are steps you can take to make sure you have set up your DNS configuration correctly. Please be aware the changes may not show up for 48 hours after you make them. The example here is with a fictitous company called www.NetResultesGlobal.com. They have set up a CNAME pointing office.netresultsglobal.com to customurl.hyperoffice.com and an MX record pointing to custommail.hyperoffice.com.
Click on RUN.
This opens up a command prompt.
- This will check the CNAME alias you set up called "office".
You should see customurl.hyperoffice.com by NAME. You should also see your domain "office.yourcompany.com" by ALIASES. If this is not correct, please go back to your DNS settings and make the proper changes. If this is correct, type cls to clear the screen.
You should see a > sign.
This will allow you to check MX records.
Make sure you are spelling it correctly and there are NO subdomains (www, mail, etc).
You should see your domain name, MX preference, then Mail Exchanger = custommail.hyperoffice.com. If you do not see this, go back to your DNS configuration and make the correct changes. If you see any other MX records, go back to your DNS configuration and delete them.